Saturday, March 13, 2010

So Much For Spring...

Apparently, Mother Nature wanted to remind me it's still Winter.  We woke up to snow, and it continued snowing most of the day.  It was cold and icky, but at least the snow was pretty.  And of course G liked it.  He and his Star Wars guys had fun playing outside for a bit.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring Fever

I can't wait for Spring.  The weather was pretty pleasant today, even though it was snowing just 2 days ago, and Garrett wanted to play with the new ball he got.  So Garrett, Gordon, and I went outside for a while and enjoyed the sunshine.  I'm so glad Spring is just around the corner.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Uncle Gordon and Nephew Garrett

Carl's brother Gordon came home from Germany tonight.  Garrett was soooo excited.  Garrett asked when Uncle Gordon would be there about 30 times while we were waiting for him at the airport.  We're glad to have him home!

Tough guys