Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pioneer Day

We had a nice Pioneer Day weekend.  On Friday, we went to our friends' house to watch the Bountiful city fireworks.  They don't live very far from the park where they do the fireworks, and their front yard has a perfect view.  Garrett played tug-of-war with the kids, and then they all slid down the huge hill in the front yard on paper plates.  Garrett had a blast, of course.  Our friends are kind enough to invite us every year, and we always have a great time.  And the fireworks this year were the best I've ever seen.

Saturday, we went to my parents' house and did a few small fireworks.  I'm not a big fan of home fireworks, because I'm paranoid that they are going to go out of control and catch us on fire, but I can handle the little ones.  I can handle the pop-its, and Garrett loved those.  They were his favorite part of the evening. :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Last Vacation Day

Yesterday, we had a nice relaxing day.  The only thing we did all day was go see "Despicable Me", which was way cuter than I thought it would be.  Garrett really liked it.

We decided to go to the aquarium today for our last vacation day.  Garrett had been asking us all week long if we could go, even though we went about a month ago.  So we thought we'd better go.  He loves fish and sharks so much.  We bought a pass for Garrett and I'm sure we'll be using it a lot.  We also went for a walk at Hidden Hollow.  It's so pretty there.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Dinosaur Park

Today was the dinosaur park in Ogden.  It was kind of  lame.  There wasn't much to it.  There were huge life-size dinosaur statues all over outside and some dinosaur bone displays inside, but that was pretty much it.  At least the grounds were really pretty, so it was like a nice little nature walk.  Garrett loved the playground and digging for fossils the best.  My favorite part was going to dinner afterward.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The Zoo!

I really love the zoo. We went today, and it was so much fun. It was really good weather, not too hot. Garrett's favorite part was "Nature's Nightmares" which had scorpions, tarantulas, piranhas, and free flying fruit bats, which were adorable. We also got to see the baby elephant, Zuri. She was so sweet. We can’t wait to go back.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Carl!

Today's is Carl's 33rd birthday.  We are having a little stay at home "vacation" all week with my parents, and we have lots of fun things planned this week.  Carl got to choose today since it is his birthday, so we all went miniature golfing. 

We haven't gone mini golfing since Garrett was old enough to actually play.  It was quite interesting.  He was really good for the first couple of holes, but really did not want to wait around for everyone to get done, so he ended up playing a hole or two ahead of the rest of us for most of the game.  He even graciously hit my ball for me several times.  Luckily, there were hardly any people there, so it worked out fine.

We finished up the day with dinner, cake, and presents.  Garrett was pretty upset that it wasn't his birthday, but finally calmed down and settled for helping his dad open his presents.  He even sang happy birthday to his dad in the sweetest voice ever.

Happy Birthday Carl! XOXO