Saturday, November 27, 2010

Christmas Party

We had our annual family Christmas party today.  It's always the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and you'd think I'd be used to it, but it seems so early.  It's only November!  I guess I'm just not ready for Christmas this year.  But we had lots of fun.  Garrett even joined in some of the Christmas singing.  His new favorite song is "Silent Night", and so he joined right in when we sang it.  And I got a picture of my cute grandma on Santa's lap!

Friday, November 26, 2010


We had a pretty low-key, relaxing Thanksgiving.  We spent it at Carl's grandparents' house.  We hadn't seen Carl's extended family for a while, so that was nice, and their Thanksgiving dinner is the BEST!

Saturday, November 13, 2010


The Utah Adoption Exchange had an outing at Boondocks today.  It was super discounted, and they served lunch.  It was nice to see so many other adoptive families.  We played mini golf, and Garrett insisted on going on the bumper boats even though it was cold.  It was pretty fun.