Friday, January 29, 2010

Poor Fish

We went to the Clark Planetarium Thursday.  We pretended to walk on the moon and on Mars, and played in the gift shop.  Then we decided to go see "Under the Sea" in 3D since Garrett loves sea creatures so much.  We asked the planetarium staff if they thought it would be appropriate for a 4 year old, and the staff thought it would be completely fine.  Garrett was excited for the movie to start.

It started out great.  The 3D was awesome, the colors beautiful and vivid, and the sea creatures were really interesting.  Then some fish started to get eaten.

I didn't really like seeing it, since I am so ultra-sensitive to animals or any living things getting hurt or killed.  But it wasn't graphic or anything.  A larger fish would jump out and then the little fish that had just been swimming nearby was gone.  That's it.  But after one particularly bad part where three fish in a row were eaten, I suddenly heard Garrett starting to cry.  I picked him up and tried to soothe him, but by then he was crying too loud and I didn't want to bother the other patrons, so I took him out of the theatre.

Once we reached the hallway, I rocked him and tried to calm him down but he was so upset.  Finally he said "All those beautiful fish are gone.  They're never coming back."  Poor baby!  I felt so bad for him!  He finally calmed down, but it took a while, and he kept talking about the bad fish.  He already knew that sharks and fish eat other fish, but I guess knowing that and actually seeing it are two different things.  He's definitely my son.  I just hope he doesn't grow up being quite as sensitive as I am!

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