Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Garrett says...

Little kids really say some of the funniest things.  Here are a few of the funny things that Garrett has said in the past few weeks:

"Don't you wish you had skills like me? But you don't. That's just sad."

"Ahh. That water is as warm as a breadstick."

"I don't want to sleep in Maddie's room. It'll smell like a girl in there." (Staying at our friends' house overnight for New Year's Eve)

"Dad, you should take a do nothing day.  You could relax and do nothing."

"Why is Olivia a show about pigs instead of people?  That's just weird.  It doesn't make any sense." (Kid show based on books about pig family)

"I'm stumped.  That means I don't know.  I learned that at stump class."

"Do you know what spare means? It means extra. I learned that at spare lessons."

"A banana sleeps in a banana peel.  That's not funny.  That's for reals.  A banana really sleeps in a banana peel."


  1. These are so cute! I'm glad you write them down. I'm always wishing I had a piece of paper handy when my kids say things like this. It's so fun to read them!

  2. Seriously... I havent laughed like that since the third grade!
