Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Garrett Says (Part 2)

Here's some new stuff Garrett has come up with in the last few weeks:

Garrett asked me what was in a drawer and I told him office stuff.  He said, "BOR-ING! Office stuff is so boring.  Really.  It's boring."

We were walking past stores at Foothill Village, and Gare was making comments after each store.  This is what he said after we walked past SteinMart, Trade Secrets, Hallmark, and Basket Loft, respectively:  "Too girlish.  Too makeupish.  Too cardish.  Too beautiful."

"Someday we should go to the forest to feed the bunnies some carrots."

"Tarantulas and scorpions are so sneaky. They're like secret agents. Like little monster secret agents."

We were talking about how our cat Bubba (Sebastian) can jump really high and even get on top of the kitchen cupboards.  Garrett said, "Bubba is just like an agent - a cat agent. Wouldn't that be funny. It wouldn't be real though."

After Garrett said something nonsensical, he said, "I'm a goofball. I'm a bunch of goofballs made out of a man!"

"Mom, let me tell you something about dreams.  Dreams aren't real.  Like if you see a zombie coming out of a graveyard at you, you just smack it in the head with a hammer."

Garrett was sitting by Carl on the couch and tooted. Garrett said, "That's okay, I didn't need that toot anyway." (We call farts toots - it sounds nicer to us coming out of a 4 year old's mouth.)

"Colvert makes me so happy. I love him so much. I don't ever want to yard sale him, I just want to keep him forever. And Mom, remember to never yard sale Puppy Thumbie either. Colvert and Puppy Thumbie are my favorites." (His stuffed animals.)

"I love you more than Mars and stars and Earth and the moon and Saturn with the rings around it and a meteorite all mixed together."

His eye is all red from allergies.  Poor baby.


  1. LOL! These make my day. I can't wait for more.

  2. Sorry about the allergies though.

  3. Too cute!! I love kids and what they say. Really, they blow my mind sometimes.
