Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Fairly" Fun Day

We had a busy day today.  First we went to go see "Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs", which Garrett loved.  We love going to kid movies not because we necessarily want to see the movie, but because it means we actually get to go to a movie.  It was pretty good, and Garrett was very quiet and stayed in his seat the whole time.

Then after shopping, lunch, and a quick trip to Wheeler Farm to check on their birthday party rooms, we decided to go to the Utah State Fair.  I had been wanting to go all week, and thought it would be really fun, but Carl wasn't convinced.  He finally agreed to go even though he really wanted to stay home and watch football.

We got there, and I immediately wanted to turn around and go back home.  There were so many people it was hard to even walk around, and it was not at all what I remembered.  It was mostly just carnival rides, and vendors, and then circus sideshow type things like paying to see a 29 inch tall woman.  I didn't know they still had things like that.  It seems so wrong, but obviously the 29 inch woman must be there by her own free will and choice.

We did pay $1 to see a 13 foot crocodile.  It was pretty sad, because he was in a tiny enclosure.  I didn't really want to see it, but Garrett wanted to.  The crocodile blinked and turned his head toward us and Garrett got a little scared and said, "I don't think I want to do this."  But afterward he kept talking about how exciting it was.

Garrett and Carl did have fun going on some rides and Garrett played a fishing type game and got to pick out a stuffed panda bear.  We were just heading for the fun house when Garrett peed his pants.  He'd been too excited to tell us he had to go.  Oh well, fun over.  At least Garrett had a good time and at least I got funnel cake. :)

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